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Nurse Colposcopist Constitution

Establishment and Title

The organisation shall be called: The Colposcopy Nurses Group (CNG) UKand it is Affiliated to the BSCCP (British Society of Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology)/ RCOG (Royal College of Gynaecologists)


To unite nurses working within the speciality of Colposcopy


  • Maintain effective communication at all times
  • Provide information regarding training and offer support as required
  • Increase the knowledge of members to assist with skill development
  • Provide a support network to all members countrywide and regional
  • Consider matters relevant to the speciality

Proceedings and Powers


  • Any nurse working in Colposcopy are entitled to participate in the activities of the group
  • Any nurse working in Colposcopy / cervical screening will be welcomed to the study days and conferences

Executive Committee
The committee will comprise of no less than 6 members and not more than 10 members. Of these, six members will hold office on an executive committee The offices will be:

  • A Chair
  • A Secretary
  • Conference Liaison
  • Treasurer
  • Representative on BSCCP Committee
  • Representative on CTC Committee

What does the Committee do?

To devise a yearly operational plan which will include the following:

  • Produce newsletter items in association with BSCCP. ( These items will be produced / finalised by the Chair and BSCCP rep )
  • Arrange an Annual Conference
  • Provide National and Local Support for all nurses working in Colposcopy in the UK

Terms of Office

The term of office for all committee members shall be three years

  • If an executive position is undertaken within that time the term will be extended for a further 3 years from appointment.
  • Following the period of an executive appointment the member may be asked to provide support for a further year if required.
  • Resignation from the committee should be stated at least three months prior to intended resignation
  • Vacancies on the committee will be filled as soon as possible from the notification of resignation
  • Membership of the committee shall be relinquished if the person concerned ceases practice in the speciality or fails to attend committee meetings on two consecutive occasions

Any member wishing to stand for Committee should:

  • Work in the relevant speciality
  • Be aware of and willing to accept the responsibilities of their role within the Group

Election Procedure

  • A waiting list of interested parties with a summary of each applicant and what they would contribute to the success of the Group will be kept by the secretary
  • Appointment of committee members will take place within three months of incumbent’s resignation.
  • Appointees will be formally approved by the committee through next committee meeting for membership to be confirmed. If the fail to attend they will not be re-invited.
  • Every effort will be made to ensure a geographical spread among committee members
  • A list of members to include start date and end date of term on committee will be held by the secretary


  • Vacancies on the committee in respect of members will be filled from the list of applicants with intention to serve
  • Vacancies on the committee in respect of executive officers shall be filled by existing committee members.


  • The committee shall meet at least once per year usually prior to Conference.
  • The committee shall hold Teleconference Meetings every 2-3 months
  • The quorum of the committee shall be four members
  • The Group will hold an annual conference which will incorporate the Chairs remarks.

Will be held in a bank account by the CNG Executive (Minimal 2 signatories)

This constitution is effective from 2015 with an aim to review on a three yearly basis